a meaningful difference
College expenses are often overwhelming for a family. Members of our community make a meaningful difference through scholarships that honor loved ones while supporting young people’s aspirations. The Mary Lyon Foundation stewards various scholarship funds and works closely with district leaders to distribute funds each year to hard-working and dedicated students.
Volunteering is one way to make an impact!
The following scholarships have been entrusted to the Mary Lyon Foundation:
Barbara and Herbert Purington Scholarship
Carol Purington Woman of Words Scholarship
Sue Atherton Scholarship for Agriculture and Farming
Gordy Van Guilder Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Tanja C. Davin Mohawk Medical Scholarship
Dr. John and Lillian Temple Medical Scholarship
E.W. Martin II Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Gertrude Streeter Scholarship
Doug Turner Memorial Scholarship
Jack Shea Memorial Art Scholarship
Laurene York-Risse Endowed Memorial Scholarship for Music and Business
Louise Vetterling Ellis From the Heart
Arms Academy Class Scholarship
The Raymond and Agnes Starkey Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Carl H Nilman
Helen E. Long
Cowell Fund
Shelburne Grange #68 Endowed Scholarship
Charles E. White Scholarship
District Residents Scholarships
Graduate Scholarships
Scholarships for Seniors
Sarah Jean Graves Endowed Scholarship
Applications are available through the Student Services Department at Mohawk Trail Regional School. More information about scholarships for the district can be found here. If you need additional assistance, please contact us.