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Mary Lyon Foundation Updates

Campaign for Student Success

Thank you to everyone who celebrated our Campaign for Student Success at the Crazy Horse Bar and Grill in June! Because of our community’s dedication to ensuring our students learn, succeed, and thrive, we’ve made remarkable strides in reaching our $5 million-dollar fundraising goal. Special thanks to local musicians Greg Daniel Smith and Tory Hanna for serenading us beautifully as we celebrated our Campaign for Student Success.

Because of your generosity, our Campaign for Student Success has raised $3.8 million in the last 2.5 years. As a result, our program and service delivery has tripled in size. Each initiative is well endowed through gifts for specific purposes such as scholarships, student assistance, family assistance, emergency assistance, literacy, childcare, internships, and so on.

While our programs have tripled, our operating budget has not kept pace with our growth in service delivery. We’ve relied on our trustees and volunteers to help us live our mission.

As we launch the next phase of our campaign, we need to focus on guaranteeing the Foundation’s future. We are seeking to raise an additional $1.2 million to increase the size of our operating endowment. This will generate a stable source of operating revenue in perpetuity and allow us to expand our staff and infrastructure to meet the growing needs of our programming.

When our children and families thrive, we all benefit. Investing in the Foundation’s operations is an investment in our collective future.

To help inspire generosity for this critical endeavor, we’ve received a new pledge of $100,000 for our operating endowment if we can raise another $100,000. This challenge is a dollar-for-dollar match, resulting in $200,000 to our operating endowment.

Fundraising for the challenge begins now, and we need your help. Please consider making a gift to our operating endowment. We are counting on our community to help secure the Foundation’s operations by contributing to this challenge and reach our goal.